
May 2021
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iQonic partners: the role of Shadow Robot Company

iQonic partners: the role of Shadow Robot Company

  • Posted by Riccardo Gnudi
  • On May 12, 2021
  • iQonic, Partners, Project activity, Shadow

In this series of articles we take a deeper look into the activity of iQonic project partners.

An opportunity to understand and review the competences and excellences gathered by iQonic.


What is the core activity of your company and which technology is mainly developed in the iQonic project?

At SHADOW we build next-generation robot hands and systems with advanced dexterity to help solve challenging problems and provide a meaningful purpose. Whether it’s for crucial research or mission-critical work, our autonomous and teleoperated robots boldly step in. For the IQONIC project, the main activities so far are conducting a feasibility study with teleoperation to explore how the system will work for the FILAR crystal rod grinding and polishing process and so we can understand how to automate the process.


Which activities have you carried out in the iQonic project?

The feasibility study performed together with FILAR will tell if the system allows us to perform the task within the required quality parameters, and in case of failure, it will inform about the required technical improvements to make it possible.
The task will split into five subtasks Grasp control, Grasp Quality, Grasp stabilization, impedance control  & Learning by demonstration. The demo is run at SHADOW’s lab mimicking the crystal rod grinding task as a proof of concept.


What improvements have you brought within iQonic?

General improvements of our core technology of grasping have been made on the robustness of the grasping hardware and the systems health report checks. A new enhanced driver has been integrated to increase accuracy, performance and allow for faster recovery in case of failure. We have also developed a new glove that allows the user to perform more dexterous tasks.


What do you expect from the iQonic project?

We hope to improve remote handling capabilities and develop new software component enhancements for the existing SHADOW hand and Telerobot system.