
June 2022
Fraunhofer IOF, 07745 Jena, Germany
+49 3641 8070

PRIMA Electro Use Case_Workshop

PRIMA Electro Use Case_Workshop

  • Posted by iqonic
  • On June 29, 2022
  • #AI, #beams, #diode, #photonics, optics

At the beginning of June, partner from the iQonic project gathered in Torino at Convergent Photonics – Prima Electro production site to participate in the workshop on the Prima Electro use case. The site has been presented by Roberto Paoletti (Convergent – Prima) and the main topics of the use case have been depicted by Giulia Pippione (Convergent – Prima).

Figure 1 – Partners in Torino

The presentation started with the DSS (Decision Support System) on diode visual inspection, able to classify the devices into two categories, PASS FAIL, during the visual inspection of the front and back diode facet. Then, another DSS employed for the Optics Assembly process was presented. The process regards the alignments and assembly of collimators and optics on the multi-emitter laser modules, carried by the automatic system provided by Ficontec. The AI tool can evaluate the quality of the assemblies by analyzing beam characteristics (numerical measures and images) during the process, and predict the final power before the conclusion of the assembly process. This allows an evaluation of the goodness of the product before the testing check, considered a quite expensive and time-consuming part of the production chain. The tool has been developed by Brunel University London and Core Innovation with two different approaches. During the workshop, the two partners presented the results from the offline analysis of the provided databases; Spyros Foukaris for CORE showed that the tool can predict the final power with good precision, by analyzing the beams’ images and considering some measures; Nikolaos Markatos from BRUNEL showed how another approach specifically studied for the case, is able to predict the final power by analyzing numerical measures during the process.


The consortium discussed the possibility to have the analysis in-line, by using the IT architecture developed by ATLANTIS Engineering, SENSAP, Holonix that leads to sharing data from the system to the cloud, analyzing the data with the algorithms, and provide feedback to the system, available for the operator.

A third presentation concerned an RSC (Reverse Supply Chain) provided by ATLANTIS. During the project, a structure has been implemented for Second Cycle production of a multi-emitter laser, dealing with the recovery and/or reclassification of modules that do not exceed quality standards after testing. The model has been studied by Politecnico Milano in terms of cost analysis and optimization of the strategies and implemented by PRIMA (procedures and traceability) directly on the production line. Finally, the RSC can synchronize First and Second cycle production, by optimizing cost, availability of systems, and operators. ATLANTIS presented a demo of the software during the meeting.


The last presentation of the workshop examined the CPS developed by POLIMI, able to provide the optimal configuration of multi-emitter laser modules used to pump the Fiber Laser Module. Ozan Emre Denir from POLIMI shows the physical model and the feasibility of the tool with a demo. Prima provided the result of the FLM assembled with the Optimal selection calculated with the first revision of the tool.

To conclude, the exploitation opportunities of the use case results were also discussed thanks to the demonstrations in different cases of the same manufacturing line. The workshop led to a fruitful sharing of the results and an upgrade of the status of the work.

Figure 2 – Visit to the Prima site